Your Home Business Is The Opportunity But You Are The Business! Discover 3 Tips To Building Better Relationships With Your Customers.

Your Home Business Is The Opportunity But You Are The Business! Discover 3 Tips To Building Better Relationships With Your Customers.

I have not met a successful leader in the home business industry that did not say to me at some point that people join people not opportunities.

I do agree with that, but I also find it strange how many people join the wrong people or do things out of pride, which causes them to make bad business decisions.

The only reason I can see why a person would do that would be that they are thinking about their business like a hobby and not a career.

Because when you think about your business like a career you make decisions that are best for the business!

So the first step to really helping you get results in your business is to focus on your potential customers and the relationships you want to build with them.

If you want them to want them to join you they must be willing to give them a reason to want to join you!

This also shows them how they should be when they get started with their business because you will be leading by example!

Just like any successful business or team you are going to want to have the best players. The only way to have the best players is to practice and give them the tools to be successful.

It all starts with you being the leader others will want to follow! If you are the leader you have to provide your customers with direction to help them grow as leaders and business owners.

So below are 3 tips to help build better relationships with your customers and potential clients in the home business industry!

1. Give 100x More Than What You Take: If you want to be successful, you must give so much value to the point it hurts. It should almost feel unfair and you should ask yourself this question… am I giving away to much. Do that and you will hit a tipping point and start getting results much faster.

2. Call Your Customers Unexpectedly: Be willing to pick up the phone and call your leads without them having to ask you. This extra step will be a huge advantage for you and will mean the world to your customers.

3. Be A Top Producer Yourself: This means make sure you produce and create results yourself. Your customers are always watching you. It will inspire them if they see you working just as hard as them.

Remember your leads are potential business partners so do your best to lead by example and teach them everything you know because it will not only help them, but will help you as well.

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Why 2 People Promoting The Same Home Business Can Get Different Results. How You Can Become The Person Making Sales In Your Home Business.

Why 2 People Promoting The Same Home Business Can Get Different Results. How You Can Become The Person Making Sales In Your Home Business.

If you are an online marketer you see a lot of people promoting the same opportunity. Yet when it comes to the company events there always seems to be the same people who out perform everyone else.

There is nothing more frustrating especially when you start a new business and you see people getting results and then you do the same thing and you don’t get the same results.

In this post I want to explain some of the reasons this happens and what you can do to be the person getting results in your business.

The first thing that you have to realize is the person you constantly see promoting there business or throwing their affiliate link around is most likely not making a lot of money in their home business.

Maybe they have earned a commission here or there, but I have never seen a top income earner be successful over a long period of time spamming. The majority of them promote their primary opportunities on the back end of a marketing system.

The key to consistently being the person producing comes down to a couple of things.

1. Your ability to generate interested leads. If you do not know how to generate leads for your business your business will fail.

2. Your ability to pick up the phone. If you are not willing to actually pick up the phone and talk to your team your business will fail.

3. Your ability to make money whether a person joins your business or not. You have to have something to offer the 97% of people who will see your business and not buy!

4. Your ability to create duplication. If can’t teach your team or the people who buy your products to fish your business will fail!

You have to realize that the success of your business depends on the success of your team. This is why it’s important to always get better and be willing to share your information and knowledge with your team!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

You Are Just A Tweak Away From Greatness In Your Network Marketing Business. Focus On Becoming A Better You And You Will Find Answers!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “You Are Just A Tweak Away From Greatness In Your Network Marketing Business. Focus On Becoming A Better You And You Will Find Answers!”

About 4 years ago I remember a time when I felt stuck in my business.  I remember feeling lost and I felt like I really had no one to turn to for guidance in my home business!

Then a friend came to me and said, you should go to this mastermind group I go to on Thursday nights. I remember saying to myself what is it all about? He said it’s a group where people meet and help each other with their business.

The timing couldn’t be better for me because I was at a point where I really needed other eyes looking at my business.

So I went to this group, which is called Thursday Night Boardroom and it in my opinion the best open mastermind group in the world. They now do live masterminds on air and stream them live all over the world.

Since I started going to that group my business has gone from earning 5 figures a month to 6 figures a month. The partnerships I have gained from that group has been amazing and I owe a lot of my growth as a person and marketer to the mentorship that the group provides.

In fact the creator of the group is a guy name Jeff Moore. He and I have become very good friends, in fact he is like a second father to me and he pushes me to be a better version of me everyday.

Even though he hates when I refer to him as a copywriter, he happens to be the best copywriter that I know personally and will be a guest speaker at Internet Traffic Live!

In fact, he has now become one of my 3 coaches that I have hired this year to help me become a better version of me, which was one of my goals for 2014!

So below I am going to give you 3 things that I have learned from this group. The reason I am doing this is because I want you to know that you are just a tweak away from greatness and these steps could be the answers you need to help you get where you want to go.

I will give you my biggest lesson that I have learned from the group.

1. Your Market Dictates The Value You Offer: This means only your customer can tell you if something is valuable. Once you determine that it is, it’s up to you to provide more of it to them.

2. Strive To Be The Best In The World At What You Do: There is no reason you can’t be the best at what you do in the world. You can be the best because you are your customer, you know where your customer wants to go and you can show them the way to get there faster than anyone!

3. You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: This means the more people you have around you, the more knowledge that you did not know you didn’t know can be introduced to you. Be wise enough to know that you don’t know everything and seek out guidance and mentorship.

The key to this post is to realize that you are a lot closer to your end goal than you think. Focus on developing yourself and becomes the best version on you. The best way to get what you want is to become the best version of you!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Want To Be A Top Producer In Your Home Business? Attend Live Events!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Want To Be A Top Producer In Your Home Business? Attend Live Events!”

Over the years, I have met the majority of my friends and business partners at live events. 

One of my best friends in this entire industry is a guy named Matt Lloyd. He owns a company called My Online Business Empire. Matt Lloyd probably makes more money than just about anyone I know in the industry. The guy is an absolute animal when it comes to business. I have had the opportunity to watch him explode his business first hand and have spoken a lot of his events.

Matt and I always talk about the first time we met. I met him at a VIP party at a live event. I think about it all the time, what if I never was at that party and would have never met him. Over the years I have learned a lot about him and his business and have used a lot of his concepts to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This would have never happened had I not attended a live event.

As I sit here writing this I could name off at least 10 leaders that I have met at live events that I now have a relationship with or have worked with in the past.

This would never have happened had I not attended any live events. I make it a point to attend at least 4 events a year! I actually prefer to go to events as a student and love just sitting in the crowd networking with everyone there!

This April we are having our 1st live event that is 100% focused on online traffic. It’s called Internet Traffic Live and will the #1 event in the industry when it comes to pure traffic and leads.  If you want more leads and you want to meet the best lead generation experts in the industry then this event is for you!

We have speakers such as Jonathan Budd, who happens to be my personal mentor and a guy who has made over 30 million dollars in revenue online. Jonathan does not speak at a lot of events so to have him be a keynote speaker at my event is humbling!

Ray Higdon is another speaker that I am so pumped to have. Ray is not only a good friend but is one of my personal coaches. Let’s just say I hired Ray for a lot of money because I believe he is the best in the world at what he does.  He’s one of the best bloggers in the world and also has one of the best events in the industry top earners academy. Ray is also a 7 figure earner and a guy that I really respect in the industry.

A guy who I am very excited to have speaking at Internet Traffic Live is John Lee Dumas. He is the #1 podcaster in the world who earns multiple six figures a month talking about what he loves the most! This is hands down a guy everyone can learn from.

Also speaking is Michelle Pescosolido. She is hands down one of the very best Facebook marketers in the entire industry. It’s clear that facebook is a great place to get leads, now it time to learn how to leverage facebook the right way.

I’m really pumped to have Stefan Desalines and Scott Agee speak at Internet Traffic Live. These 2 guys are probably the best in the world when it comes to generating leads on Facebook!  In fact these 2 guys generate close to 10,000 leads a week on Craigslist.

There’s also this other guy named Vince Reed speaking on Traffic as well as a lot of other surprise guest that I can’t wait to share with you.  But you have to just be there and see for yourself!

I can’t wait to see you there. It’s time to play big and the big boys hang out at live events because that is where the serious players are and want to be!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Why Quitting In Your Home Business Means You Are Quitting On Yourself! 3 People Get Hurt, You, Your Family And Your Team!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”Why Quitting In Your Home Business Means You Are Quitting On Yourself! 3 People Get Hurt, You, Your Family And Your Team!”

When it comes to the home business industry people are always trying to figure out the best way to make money fast.

When people feel this way what they are really saying is, how can I do the least amount of work, with the least amount of resistance, that requires the least amount of effort but still get rich.

Yet everyone is quick to say, things are a scam. The truth is if you were to find something that was easy and required you to do nothing yet you got rich doing it. Well that would most likely be what you don’t want anyways. The truth is, there is nothing in this world that is easy that will allow you to make money that is easy to do… at 1st.

You see just like anything the more you do it the better you become!

Unfortunately people quit and they choose the road that they perceive to be the easier road. But in reality they are choosing the road with the most resistance! The problem is they won’t know that until it’s to late.

I have never heard a person working a 9 to 5 say, I love what I do and can’t wait to go make my boss more money. I have never heard them say I love the fact that I pay more taxes than business owners.

I am not saying the home business industry is perfect because it’s not. But I will say it’s just better than everything else.

Why do I say it’s better?

You can become your own boss!
You can get started for very little money!
You can create leverage and long-term wealth!
You can have control over your life and freedom.
Last but not least you can pay less taxes!

Make sure you speak to your CPA or tax account in regards to the last point.

So why do I say quitting in your home business means you are quitting on yourself?

At an early age, I remember people telling me that quitters never prosper or quitters never win. I believe this to be 100% true. In the long run when you quit, it always comes back and bites you!

When you realize that there is a difference between failure and quitting things will start to change in your life. Everyone fails; it’s what you do after you fail that matters.

Success in business is 100% about VALUE! If you put VALUE into the marketplace you will create results bigger, better and faster than your competition. Best of all you will feel a lot better about what you are doing than if you just focus on money!

It’s important to remember once you quit there is no coming back from that. You have to live with the fact that you quit for your entire life.

I don’t want you to live with the fact that you quit something! So never quit because at the end of the day you are only hurting yourself! Plus you will miss out on the amazing feeling that you will experience when you reach your goals!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

Get Unlimited Network Marketing Leads For Under $25 Per Day. Be Creative And Think Outside Of The Box In Your Home Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Get Unlimited Network Marketing Leads For Under $25 Per Day. Be Creative And Think Outside Of The Box In Your Home Business!”

As a marketer things are always going to change due to the fact that technology is always moving. I can’t tell you how many products I have purchased, and by the time I implement the training the platform I was learning has changed.

In fact, in one of my most recent products I talk about a tool that helps you automate some of the twitter strategies that I teach. Since releasing that training Twitters API changed and that tool no longer works. I even had a member call me and say Vince you shouldn’t have that product in the system… that tool doesn’t work anymore.

I quickly took out that module, but after thinking about it I almost want to put it back in. This is why… if you go into 9 out of 10 products today especially if they are more than 12 months old. That training and platform it was in will most likely be different or the strategies may not work exactly the same.

But the overall concept and strategy will always be useful. You see information products should always give you ideas and you as an entrepreneur should always be thinking of better ways to do things. You should always be thinking outside of the box and trying to figure out a way to make a basic concept work even better.

So when I thought about what one of my students said about taking that product out, a person like me would have never had the chance to figure out a way to do what I’m doing now that works better and is more cost effective than the tool itself.

You see, I came up with a strategy to use a simple tool like, which allows you to search and identify the keywords people are saying in their newsfeed in real time. Because my automation tool no longer works, I now have a virtual assistant manually do this for me by typing in keywords that I give them and manually communicate with people on my behalf in real time 24/7/365 days a year.

Essentially doing what this tool did for less money than the tool. But now because the tool is no longer available, a person like me would have even known about this tool or even have had the for thought to implement this concept. The key to being a successful entrepreneur is to see opportunities where other people simply see problems.

When others face resistance you should see money because all you have to do is be the person that finds the solution!

This entire process could be done for less than $25 per day and will help you generate unlimited leads for your network marketing or home business!

Step 1: Find a virtual assistant on Odesk Or Elance
Step 2: Find the keywords you want to target
Step 3: Prepare the messages you want the VA to send
Step 4: Communicate with your new fresh leads daily!

If you always think outside of the box and are willing to do things that average home business professional is not willing to do you will grow a powerful network marketing business!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

My 3 Goals For My Home Business In 2014! Why I’m Thinking Big And So Should You!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “My 3 Goals For My Home Business In 2014! Why I’m Thinking Big And So Should You!”

This may be one of the realest posts I have ever done. I truly believe if you read this entire post, and implement it you will change your life.

I love the home business industry and I am very thankful for the life it has given me. This industry has saved me from a life of poverty and I mean that.

I once had goals of playing professional football. I once had goals of being a real estate mogul.

But you know what… I failed at both! But I NEVER QUIT. That is why you are here reading this post today!

The truth is…

Not making it to the NFL and having the real estate industry collapse should have broken me but it didn’t!

The people in this industry saved me! I think about people like my mentor Jonathan Budd who still to this day inspires me and I get choked up!

I get choked up because this industry is unlike the others because it’s not about the money it’s about the life altering changes you can help create in others.

With that being said, in November of 2013 I made a decision to think bigger!

I made that decision because I knew in my heart I had a lot more to offer than what I had given in the past 2 years.

I realized that on the my numbers and the things that I had accomplished were great. But to me all that matters is what I’m feeling on the inside. You see on the inside I new I didn’t come close to my potential.

Instead of sitting back and being happy with my results, I started to think about the people who never saw my message that I could have helped only if I would have pushed myself to do more.

The truth is, I was selfish in 2012 & 2013 because I got comfortable. Now I know to most people what I did was good enough. But only you know what you really gave on the inside and the truth is, I knew I have a lot more to give.

So in November of 2013 I made a decision that I was going to think bigger and challenge myself to do things that most people would never do. So I set goals that I felt if I told anyone about out loud that they would do 1 of 2 things. I wanted my goals to make a person very uncomfortable or make you think I am crazy.

I did this because I know that is what it’s going to take to help me help more people.

I knew I had to think bigger and not settle. This industry is not about me it’s about YOU! When I settle I can’t reach YOU!

So what I did was I wrote down 3 big goals! Then I wrote down specific action plans to reach each goal.

So Below Are My Big Goals For 2014?

1. Help 100 People Earn 6 Figures Within 12 Months
2. Earn 25 Million Dollars In Revenue This Year!
3. Find And Pay For Higher Level Coaching!

I did have another goal, which finished in my 4th on my list. That goal was to have my 1st live event! I am happy to say we are having it next month on April 24th in San Diego California… It’s Called

In regards to my 3 major goals, I will spare you the details that I wrote out to reach each one. But trust me when I tell you the day-to-day activities of each one requires extreme discipline.

Just so you know, after about 30 days of doing a certain action you will quickly realize that the things you thought were going to be tough to do, were actually much easier than you thought.

Now, I may not reach each goal but check this out… it’s not even the end of March and my numbers are about where I was at the end of last year!

That means that I have accomplished as much in 2 months than what I did in an entire year.

Now you know why I want you to think big?

I can honestly say things are happening for me because of the action steps I take daily and my decision to step it up a bunch of notches!

So if you happen to be reading this post, my advice to you is to think big. Don’t settle for anything. Stretch yourself to levels that you never thought were possible and the sky is the limit. You owe it to you and to everyone you are trying to help!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

How To Be A Leader Or Mentor In The Home Business Industry. These Tips Will Help You Reach Your End Goals In Your Home Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “How To Be A Leader Or Mentor In The Home Business Industry. These Tips Will Help You Reach Your End Goals In Your Home Business!”

If you are in the home business industry chances are you have heard the saying people join people not companies.

Which means if you want people to buy your products, chances are you must become a leader or mentor in this industry.

Now before you freak out and say…”geez I have to do all these things just to make some money online or in my home business?”

It’s really not as complicated as it sounds!

All you have to do if you want to be a leader is share value. That means when you learn something new simple give that valuable information to anyone and everyone who needs it.

If you want to be a mentor all you have to do is share your results. It does not mean you have to make millions of dollars either. It means if you do something that works simply share it.

For example, if you try a marketing method and you get leads, share your results and teach them to others.

If you have a webinar and a person on the webinar buys, share those results and teach others how you did it!

These are very basic strategies to help you build your business and develop your brand.

It all starts with a decision. As a result of you making a decision to be leader or a mentor you are positioning yourself to get better results in your home business because it forces you to take actions that most people simply do not take!

Before I end this post, some people get personal branding confused with being a leader or mentor. People think by just showing up everywhere where people see you is branding.

Technically it is but this is not always good, especially if you develop a brand that makes you look like a spammer or a person pitching your business every second.

If you want to brand yourself make sure it a brand that is positive and is one of value.

If your brand is one of value,  if you focus on being a leader and if you share your results with the world, your home business will explode!

My challenge to you is to make a decision and take action right now! You will be happy you did 12 months from now!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE