3 Revenue Generating Activities You Should Focus On To Explode Your Home Business. These Steps Will Allow You To Maximize Your Time!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”3 Revenue Generating Activities You Should Focus On To Explode Your Home Business. These Steps Will Allow You To Maximize Your Time!”

Some people think of their home business as a hobby and that is exactly how they run it… Like A Hobby! If you have a product, service or opportunity to offer someone, then you have a means to make millions of dollars.  The only person who can stop you is you!

The 1st step is to realize that you are the CEO of your business. You are the boss, which means you have to run your business accordingly!

So what does that mean? That means less time playing around on social media and more time doing things that will help your business grow.

When I wake up in the morning, I often think about other hungry entrepreneurs up as well building their business. I think about the things they may be doing to put me out of business or the things they are doing to make their company stronger.

At the end of the day this is business and it’s not designed for the timid and the weak. You must have tough skin and there are no work hours. Your work hours are when you wake up and ends when it’s done.

With that being said, it’s important that you focus on revenue generating activities. So the question is, what do I mean by revenue generating activities and how can you focus on those them?

Below are 3 things that will help you do more revenue generating activities!

1. Identify the solution your product provides, how the customer buys it and focus on getting more customers who need your product to your buy now page each day than you did the day before! This is a simple concept, challenge yourself to put more customers in front of your order form than you did the day before! (Make it a fun game)

2. Battle & Mirror your competitor’s daily. Don’t get freaked out, when I say battle your competitors I don’t mean fight them. Think of it like a dance battle or challenge. Imagine that you are performing and your performance is scored by your customers, who get to choose who they work with. This keeps you on your toes and innovating new things. With that being said, don’t change things to much, there is never a need to reinvent the wheel, you just want to make the wheel spin faster.  Mirror what you see your biggest competitors doing, the key is to do it with your own twist and be consistent.

3. ABC Vs. ABF… Always Be Closing Vs Always Be Fishing! If you have a business, the only way you can close them on your product, is to fish for them first.  They must see what you are offering them in order for them to buy from you! If you focus on doing things that attract customers you will be very successful. What do I mean by fishing? I mean you should constantly be expanding marketing campaigns and focusing on targeting new keywords and customers. This way you are always in front of more people than your competition.

If you focus on these three steps you may have less friends on social media, but you will have more money than all of them in you bank account!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

5 Ways To Flip A Failing Business And Turn It Into A Profitable One. These Strategies Will Help You Overcome Any Obstacle In Your Business!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”5 Ways To Flip A Failing Business And Turn It Into A Profitable One. These Strategies Will Help You Overcome Any Obstacle In Your Business!”

If your business is failing you should no that you are a few minor tweaks away from creating a revenue generating machine!

The hardest thing you must deal with as an entrepreneur is yourself. Most entrepreneurs will go through tough times. You may hear and feel criticism from others but the second you doubt yourself and let the word quit sink into your mind you are lost for ever.

So what can you do to flip a failing business and turn it into a profitable one? The answer is actually pretty simple. You just need to make a choice. You must make a choice that you will do the things that successful business owners do?

People say successful businesses must be strong from the bottom up. I believe the exact opposite. The top creates the bottom and if the top is not doing the things a successful business needs to do then the bottom will fail too.

So if your business is failing you have to go back and look at the choices you are making. Are you doing what the most successful person that you know in your niche is doing everyday.

In fact are you doing more than them on a daily basis. The beauty of all this is, all you have to do is simply make a choice to do those things and like magic your life and business will change!

The question is how do you do that? How do you make a choice that usually involves you changing behaviors that you have become accustom to doing over long periods of time.

Below are 5 Tips to help you make a choice and stick to it!

1. You must identify your bad habits and write them down. When you acknowledge your mistakes as your own you can change them.

2. See your situation for what it, not more, not less. No matter what your situation is, it is not the end of the world. You are still alive and breathing. That means you can change it!

3. Identify your problem as reality without excuses. You must blame yourself for any situation you are in! This removes any excuse you may have had about your business and positions you to make tough changes.

4. Visualize where you want to be and take actions to go there. Only a strong vision can get you out of a bad situation. When you vision is strong your actions will follow.

5. Find a mentor or mentors who push you! This speaks for itself!

The power of choice is so important and the second you realize that our choices determine our past, present and future, your life and business will change forever!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE