Why 99% Of Network Marketing Reps Change Companies 2 To 3 Times? Who’s To Blame Your Network Marketing Company Or You?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Why 99% Of Network Marketing Reps Change Companies 2 To 3 Times? Who’s To Blame Your Network Marketing Company Or You?”

I saw a statistic the other day that said the home business industry is one of the biggest, and most profitable industries in the world.

The slide I saw also said that the network marketing industry was bigger than the sports industry and real estate combined.

Clearly, I don’t know if that is true but there is no secret that the network marketing industry generates billions of dollars every year.

So I started thinking about it and I tried to figure out how that could be the case.

1. Clearly the home business industry has several millionaires.
2. There are clearly millions of reps out there and thousands of companies.
3. Reps can create leverage and take advantage of a powerful sales team

These are all reasons that make the network marketing and home business industry exciting.

So if this is the case I started to ask myself why so many reps jump around from company to company.

The good thing about Network Marketing is there is a low barrier of entry, which means people can get started for usually under $1000. The bad news about Network Marketing is you can get started for under $1000.

Which means it’s hard for people to distinguish their new opportunity as just being a weekly hobby or a real business that could make you a millionaire.

It’s crazy to think that if you work hard and put in the work you could literally become e millionaire in your company.

So I started to ask people in network marketing and I and some of my students why do people jump around so much. I even analyzed my own business to see why I personally have tried different companies.

During my research I noticed that people switch network marketing companies at the same rate that people change their careers or 9 to 5 jobs.

The difference in the 2 is that most people who change 9 to 5 jobs are not in situations where they can earn more as they work harder. So the need to jump around usually makes more sense because they want to make more money.

That is not the case in the Network Marketing industry as you can make as much as you want. So the question is why do most people still quit or change companies so often even thought the know the possibilities are endless?

1. Most people join Network Marketing in poor financial positions.
2. The start up cost and monthly fee is greater than what they make.
3. They think another companies products will sell better.
4. The criticism from friends and family is too great.

At the end of the day, Network Marketing is a business and if you want to make money it will come down to your hard work.

It Is NEVER the companies’ fault if you fail! You are the boss.. the blame falls on your shoulders!

Just remember ever time you switch companies you are starting over again which gives a person who is committed to 1 company an advantage.

If you are looking into joining a Network Marketing company, make sure you do your due diligence before joining, treat it like a legitimate business and do your best to become a master marketer.

That way you won’t blame the company when things get tough and believe me when I say they will! But you will be prepared! This will also allow you to see the end results that only focus and determination can bring to your business.
If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

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