Do Capture Pages And Sales Funnels Work? Should You Use Capture Pages And Are Sales Funnels A Waste Of Time?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Do Capture Pages And Sales Funnels Work? Should You Use Capture Pages And Are Sales Funnels A Waste Of Time?”


As an Internet marketer that has thousands of students all over the world I get often get hundreds or questions daily that I always do my best to answer.

2 of the more popular questions that I get is…

1. Do I need a lead capture page to build my business?
2. Do I need a sales funnel to make sales for my home business?

The answer based off of fact is NO.

But clearly if you want to improve conversions and get better results the answer is YES.


The money and the power is in your list but the fortune is in the follow.

Take the capture page for example! It was created to create a buffer to only allow people in who are interested in what you have to offer.

9 out of 10 people who see you business or products will not buy anything from you if they do not trust you!

The sales funnel job for a lot of people is to keep selling your home business or your products over and over to them. But the real reason you need a sales funnel is to build relationships with your list.

You want the people who opt-in to know you, like you and trust you. That is not possible when you are not building a list.

Another question I get from students is, when do I know if my capture page or funnel is not working? They will say to me, I get leads and when I send out an email no one opens it.

This is usually because the people in your list are not interested in what you have to say? Which means they entered the wrong email from the beginning or your content is not valuable enough for them to open.

This is tough for a lot of marketers to hear but its true. There are 2 ways to improve this.

1. Get more personal results.
2. Improve your personal value level

When you do this, start to share what you learn with your list throughout your sales funnel.

You should give your funnel at least 6 months to see if it works and focus on improving the value of each funnel to make it convert better.

Another good tip is to make sure you set the right expectations and the message on your capture page matches what the person is actually going to get on the other side!

Having a capture page and sales funnel are very important to long term growth of your business.

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

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