Why Frustration And Overwhelm Is A Good Thing! Learn To Understand These Emotions And Make A Fortune!

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Why Frustration And Overwhelm Is A Good Thing! Learn To Understand These Emotions And Make A Fortune!”

A few years ago someone told me that humans have thousands of emotions but only focus on a select few. People focus on being happy or being sad, feeling confident or feeling frustrated.

Obviously there are others that we may notice but when asked to name all of the other emotions most people can’t name or identify them because we don’t focus on them.

This happens because we are programmed to react and deal with the emotions that we think we experience the most.

In Tim Farris’s book the 4 hour work week he talks about learning how to become and expert in things very fast. The thing that he often talks about is how people love the do things that give them the least resistance! In fact most people are programmed to quit them moment they feel resistance because they feel that is the emotion that tells you that you are doing something wrong.

So what he says to do is to take time figuring out what those things are that create resistance and do them for 5 days and you can literally condition yourself to get rid of the negative emotions you equate to certain activities.

For example, I believe the feeling of being frustrated or being overwhelmed is a good thing. I have programmed myself to seek out things that create that because I know that is the moment that other people quit.  It’s simple if other people quit when doing something and I continue than I will succeed.

Then my goal changes to this, If I can find a solution that makes a person feel less resistance during that situation, it allows you to be a solutions creator, which is the best way to provide value to anyone!

So how do you change a negative reaction to a positive.

1. Identify what is causing you to feel a certain way: Is it fear, is the emotion real, are you just being lazy, do you simply need direction on what to do?

2. Create patterns that lead you to that emotion just so you can practice handling it: If you know you are afraid of failing placing ads or speaking to others, create situations where you have to do it more or better yet have someone else do it for you!  The outcome would most likely be the same!

3. Be willing to do the opposite of the norm: One of the reasons people feel certain ways when things happen is because other people react to certain emotions the same way. When you see other people doing something most people tend to follow.

If you follow everyone who is doing thing wrong you will get the same wrong results! So be willing to find different ways to do things that make everyone else a little nervous and focus on making that the thing that makes people nervous the norm!

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