Is Time More Valuable Than Money? Why Wasting Time Could Be The Reason You Are Not Making Money In Your Home Business.

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Is Time More Valuable Than Money? Why Wasting Time Could Be The Reason You Are Not Making Money In Your Home Business.”

Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed I wrote down my new schedule for how I will operate each day of my life.

I made sure the schedule was very detailed from when I will eat breakfast, to the exact time I will work out to the time I will go to bed. Even the time in which I write this post is documented and planned out.

In my opinion time is way more valuable than money, it’s not even close. Because of technology and the fact the most people have short attention spans wasting time could be the death of your home business.

You may have heard the quote “when you fail to plan you are planning to fail.” I believe every second of each day time is extremely valuable.

Most successful people have a way of just being more productive with their time than their competition. When you learn to be twice as productive with your time, you are able to separate for the competition and hit your tipping point!

When you hit your tipping point you will be making sales and your business starts to grow daily without you having to work as hard.

A few years ago a movie came out called “In Time” with Justin Timberlake. In that movie time was money and when you ran out of it you died.

The more time you had the more wealthy you were and the more things you could do. I found that movie ironic because in real life the more money you have the more things you can do.

The only difference is, we all have the same amount of time in the day to do as much as we can to be successful. That is why you want to plan out your day so you can be twice as productive as your competition.

Below are some tips on how to schedule your day so you are productive. Although my day is set up to get things done by the hour. When you are getting started all you really need to do is block off time to get some basic things down.

If possible, try to wake up when it’s still dark. It will allow you to have quiet time to get things done.

1. Work Out
2. Produce Content That Provides Value (Blog, Article, Video)
3. Manage Your Marketing (Check On And Increase Your Advertising)
4. Get Better (Read, Watch A Training, Etc.)
5. Implement Something You Learned

This is the basic foundation of what you should have scheduled in your day especially if you to out produce your competition and be twice as productive

This will also ensure that you never waste time which is more valuable than money.

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

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