These 3 Deadly Sins Will Crush Your Home Business. Are These 3 Deadly Sins The Reason You Not Making Money In Your Home Business?

These 3 Deadly Sins That Will Crush Your Home Business. Are These 3 Deadly Sins The Reason You Not Making Money In Your Home Business?

I must be honest, I don’t understand, I lose respect and am not a fan of people who quit, ask for refunds or make excuses?

As far as I’m concerned those are 3 sins when it comes to entrepreneurship that will prevent you from EVER having success in ANYTHING.

Why do I feel this way?Continue reading

5 Entrepreneurship Tips That New Entrepreneurs Fail To See. Are These Tips The Secret To Becoming A Millionaire Entrepreneur?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed…”5 Entrepreneurship Tips That New Entrepreneurs Fail To See.  Are These Tips The Secret To Becoming A Millionaire Entrepreneur?”

I’m assuming you have heard the quote… “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t”

That quote is powerful and 100% true and if you are looking at building a business.  The quote above is something you should  write on a whiteboard and read everyday as you build your business because it will help you during those tough times.Continue reading

Do Millionaire Entrepreneurs Have A Secret To Creating Wealth? Are Entrepreneurs Brains Different?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed … “Do Millionaire Entrepreneurs Have A Secret To Creating Wealth? Are Entrepreneurs Brains Different?”


When I made the decision to become an internet marketer, I had already made the choice to be a life long entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur you most likely have had more failures than success stories.  Our failures often prove to be our best teacher and often become far more valuable than the success stories because they become valuable lessons for beginners and students who look up to successful entrepreneurs as leaders.

I started my first business in my early twenties and the 1 thing that I know without a doubt is you are either growing as an entrepreneur or dieing.  There is no staying the same.  There is always another level that you take take your knowledge and business.

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