Does The Way You View Money Effect How Much Money You Make?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “Does The Way You View Money Effect How Much Money You Make?”

When you understand what it takes to make money, you quickly realize that the way you view it effects how much of it you make. Money is a very controversial topic, especially when it comes to people who do not have a lot of it.

I do not consider myself rich by any means but over the last few years I have done pretty well for myself. So I wanted to share with you from my perspective the things that I feel are directly responsible for my results and financial gains.

I truly believe that the amount of money you make represents that amount of value you offer the world. But more that, I believe the amount of money you make represent the amount of people you hang around who have a lot of it.

Today, I have more friends who are millionaires than at any point in my life.  As a result my income has gone up every year. I really can’t tell you what it is but when you associate yourself around people who have more or are doing the things you want to do, things just become easier.

I have heard people say money is the root of all evil. I say money just makes you more of what you already are. If you are a good person you will be a good person with money. If you are a bad person then you will be a bad person with money.

I have also noticed that most people who say money is the root of all evil often don’t have a lot of it.

So do I think the way you view money effects how much money you make? Absolutely!

Creating wealth is a lot of work that requires a lot of sacrifices that most people are just not willing to accept or do.

Long hours, risky projects and the chance of failure that most people are not willing to face.

It is true what they say, NO risk No reward and the best entrepreneurs know this.

If you want to make a lot of money, it’s important to realize that it’s O.K to make it. Don’t worship it, but yes it’s O.K for you to be rich or even wealthy.

What’s the difference between rich and wealthy?

Think about all of the athletes and celebrities who were rich and now are broke. Wealth CAN NOT be lost because that type of income last for generations but when you are just rich, that can be lost from just a few bad decisions!

In closing, try to challenge that way you think about money and I promise you that you will quickly determine if it’s you preventing you from having lots of it!

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