What Is LDP Have To Do With Your Home Business? Should Every Home Business Rep Know These Secrets?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed… “What Is LDP Have To Do With Your Home Business?  Should Every Home Business Rep Know These Secrets?”


I don’t know about you, but it seems like most people can’t stay focused on 1 thing for longer than a couple of minutes.

Especially when it comes to trying different marketing strategies and actually implementing them into their business.

I must admit, even I get a little impatient when I try a new marketing method and I don’t see immediate results.

This post will help you understand why patience and consistency will help your business grow faster than 99% of your competition.

If you are in the home business industry, you should know that the money and the power is in your list but the fortune is in the follow up.

Most people do not understand the power of follow up and why you must master it if you want to get results.

There have been times where I spent thousands of dollars on learning a new marketing strategy, generated hundreds of leads and got no sales.

This frustrated the heck out of me because I got the leads, everything worked but I still got no sales.

I then remembered the lessons that were taught to me by my online mentor Jonathan Budd… “The Fortune Is In The Follow Up”

So I decided to do a webinar and 12 people bought my product.

I then realized that if I just did more webinars and followed up with more of my customers on a more consistent basis, I would make more sales.

At that moment I thought about all the people who quit right when they were so close to making money all because they wanted fast results and were not willing to build relationships with there list.

So what is LDP? Why do I believe every home business rep should should know these secrets?

LDP is the natural process that people go through when learning, doing and perfecting new things in their business.

L: Learning What You Are Taught
D: Doing What You Learn
P: Perfecting What You Do

These are the natural steps that every person must go through when building home business.

The fastest way to overcome the hurdles that LDP will put on your business is to mirror top producers and realize that everything that you do will provide you with experience and more value to offer others.

The amount of money you make represents the amount of value you offer the world so when you have struggles in your home business, remember these are all things that other people will be willing to pay your for to figure out.

The key is to focus on perfecting what you do.

Most people stop after they do what they are taught but never perfect what they work so hard to learn.

If you want to make money in your home business, find a way to follow up with your customers and perfect your marketing skills and the sky is the limit!

If you work in the home business industry and want to learn how to use the internet to generate 10 to 25 leads per day CLICK HERE

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