Should Network Marketing Distributors Use My Internet Traffic System? Does MITS Work For Network Marketers?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed … “Should Network Marketing Distributors Use My Internet Traffic System? Does MITS Work For Network Marketers?”


This will be an honest review about the network marketing industry.  The real question that I will do my best to answer is, does internet marketing work for network marketing distributors?

As much as I love the internet, my honest answer is “No”.  Internet marketing is not good for network marketing distributors.   Now that answer may come as a shock to network marketing reps considering the fact that I used internet marketing to grow the network marketing companies I was in to well over 20,000 distributors.  Although I don’t do network marketing now because I work full time as an internet marketer, I owe 100% of my network marketing success to the internet!

But that was not the question.  The question was does internet marketing work for network marketing distributors?  Based off of my own person experience most network marketers struggle when trying to use the internet. I believe this to be true because the internet takes the networking out of person who need to interact with people in order to grow their network marketing business.

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Do Millionaire Entrepreneurs Have A Secret To Creating Wealth? Are Entrepreneurs Brains Different?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed … “Do Millionaire Entrepreneurs Have A Secret To Creating Wealth? Are Entrepreneurs Brains Different?”


When I made the decision to become an internet marketer, I had already made the choice to be a life long entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur you most likely have had more failures than success stories.  Our failures often prove to be our best teacher and often become far more valuable than the success stories because they become valuable lessons for beginners and students who look up to successful entrepreneurs as leaders.

I started my first business in my early twenties and the 1 thing that I know without a doubt is you are either growing as an entrepreneur or dieing.  There is no staying the same.  There is always another level that you take take your knowledge and business.

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Is Your Job Safe? Is Technology Taking Over The World?

2 Minute podcast review of the post below with Vince Reed … “Is Your Job Safe? Is Technology Taking Over The World?”


This post is not going to be your typical doom and gloom Job market article that scares the crap out of you.  The answer to the 1st question …

“Is Your Job Safe?” is simple…

YES…but only if you bring more value to the table at a more affordable cost than what you boss could get technology to do your job for.Continue reading