5 Myths About Money

5 Myths About Money
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5 Myths About Money

Have you ever heard the saying ‘money doesn’t grows on trees’ or ‘only the rich get richer’ before? How about ‘a penny saved is a penny earned’?

Money is something we can’t avoid. It’s an integral part to our existence and day-to-day life. We all strive to make more money, but often times it’s the thoughts in our head that prevent us from taking that first step to financial freedom.

In no particular order I am going to share with you 5 myths about money in hopes to make sure you have nothing holding you back from taking your business to the next level.


More Customers Without Spending More Money 

Lead Magnets – Give Away Free Value, Get Money In Return

Opportunity Vs. System – Secret To Making Them Both Work

Below are 5 Myths About Money:

1: Money Is The Root Of All Evil

If someone (or possible you) thinks money is the root of all evil, ask them if I were to give you $1 million dollars right now, would you take it?

Chances are they will say yes… and the statement ‘money is the root of all evil’ will immediately be proven false. Money is not a bad thing. People will be people and if anything, money brings out the person you already are.

2: More Money Means Less Time With Family

If you make a lot of money that means you will have less time with your family. I’ve heard people talk about this myth a lot which is funny because I’m actually writing this blog post right now over looking the ocean on a family vacation.

My family is right next to me and we are enjoying each other. My point is, when I was on the 9-5 grind I didn’t have time to do this with my family. If you design and plan your lifestyle the right way, you’ll have plenty of time to spend with your family and make money at the same time.

3: Bad People Are Rich

A lot of times people say ‘bad people are rich’.

This example is different than the person that says ‘money is the root of all evil’. Saying bad people are rich is basically assuming that people with money are spending it for bad things or doing illegal things to earn it.

This is not true. Most people who make a lot of money are making it because of the value they provide to the marketplace. Obviously there is an exception to the rule but in general people with money do a lot of good things to help other people.

4: People Are Only Rich Because Their Family Is Rich

This is the myth I dislike the most. The idea that someone is rich only because their family or parents are rich.

You have to understand it’s extremely difficult to keep your money once when you make a lot of money. Even if your family was rich and your riches were handed off to another person, you have to be skillful and smart to maintain that income.

The truth of the matter is most people that are wealthy came from humble beginnings. They have stories where they lost everything and had to rebuild multiple times to get to where they are today.

5: The System Is Against You

This is a huge myth: The system is against you.

Perhaps you came from tough beginnings or grew up in a tough neighborhood. Maybe you work 2 jobs and a nightshift. Maybe you lost your house and are in debt.

These experiences can sometimes fuel a mindset where you begin to feel like things are tougher for you than for anyone else to be successful. At the end of the day, those thoughts are just excuses.

There are people out there in much tougher situations that are pushing through and creating success. The system is not rigged against you. It’s about you being efficient with your time and doing the things that most other people aren’t willing to do.

So if you debunk these 5 myths (Money Is The Root Of All Evil, More Money Means Less Time With Family, Bad People Are Rich, People Are Only Rich Because Their Family Is Rich, The System Is Against You) you will be well on your way to success and financial freedom!

If you got value from 5 Myths About Money please comment below

4 Steps To Creating Profitable Yahoo Bing Ads

4 Steps To Creating Profitable Yahoo Bing Ads

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4 Steps To Creating Profitable Yahoo Bing Ads Summary:

Every business owner has dreams of becoming wealthy.  In order to do that you must be able to market and promote your business better than your competition.  There are hundreds of lead generation methods out there but my favorite method hands down is search traffic.  Search Traffic was the 1st method that I learned when I got started online and it is very powerful when done the right way.   Today Yahoo/Bing is a great resource that every business owner should master if they want targeted and realiable traffic flowing to their websites.  Now before you go and throw a bunch of money at search traffic it’s important to understand that ppc marketing is responsible for creating multi millionairs and at the same time responsible for a lot of marketers going broke!  This post will help you master yahoo/bing ppc!

1: Targeted Keywords

The beauty of search traffic is the fact that you get to capture what’s going on inside your prospects mind.  If a person searches for something online Yahoo/Bing PPC allows you to have your ad appear based on what that person is searching. This means you as the advertiser have the power to flood your target market with value based on what your customers are searching.  This is why keyword research is a must if you want to make search traffic profitable.

2: Relevant Capture Pages

One of the mistakes that marketers make is they fail take the time to ensure that the pages that they are sending the traffic to is relevant to what that person was searching for.  For example, if a person is searching for ways to get leads on Yahoo/Bing and my page is talks about getting traffic on social media and not search traffic less people will engage or opt in for more information.

3: Leveraged Thank You Page

The key to marketing your business is to generate revenue that conteracts the cost per click that you are spending to generate traffic.  You do not have to turn a profit but if you do this and cut your advertising in half you will be able to scale your marketing much faster.  For example if you get a lead that cost you $2 and you offer a $1 product on the thank you page, you can instantly cut you marketing cost in half.

4: Follow Up

The fortune is in the follow up.  If you are not communitcating with your list on a consistent basis you will be leaving a lot of money on the table.  If you don’t all the hard work will be done for nothing!


Get Targeted Leads With Twitter PPC

Get Unlimited Leads And Sales With Facebook PPC

Get Massive Traffic With These Untapped Resources

Want to learn how the top network marketers in the world are building their business?

As a bonus be sure to listen to live interview of several 7 figure earners in the industry on Network Marketing Nation!

If you got value from 2 Methods To Boosting Your Customers Without Spending More On Advertising please comment below!

7 Ways To Mirror Millionaires

7 Ways To Mirror Millionaires
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 300 On iTunes – CLICK HERE

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7 Ways To Mirror Millionaires

If want to take your business to the next level and get to 7 figures, you have to mirror individuals that have already done it!

Throughout my career I’ve had the unique opportunity of meeting multiple millionaires and learning the ins and outs of their business. I have put together my best tips from these experiences and below I am going to share 7 ways to mirror millionaires.


Get More Customers Without Spending More On Advertising

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Below are 7 Ways To Mirror Millionaires:

1: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

Millionaires obliterate limiting beliefs people have.  In order to make 7 figures and earn serious income, your mindset must be different.

Millionaires do this when it comes to money, work ethic and mindset.  Limiting beliefs are basically the things you tell yourself that prevent your business from moving forward but make you feel good about your current situation.

If you have thoughts about making money as a negative thing, or the amount of work is going to take time away from your family and friends, eliminate it!

Millions understand that money is a good thing and time spent today will be worth it tomorrow.

2: Solve Problems

Millionaires tend to solve problems with their business.

When people want to make money, usually their first thought is ‘what can I sell that people will buy?’ Millionaires don’t have that mindset.  Instead, ask yourself ‘what problem can I solve?’

Knowing that you’re solving a problem instead of just getting people to buy will put you in the millionaire mindset.

If you can solve a problem people will have no problem purchasing your product because you have given them a solution.

3: Embrace Criticism

Most people have a hard time embracing criticism when they first start building their business or when they start to have success.

Instead of avoiding criticism, seek it! If everyone only told you what you were doing right, you’d never find out what you’re doing wrong.

Millionaires want to know what they can do to improve their business, no matter how negative the criticism is.  Criticism will provide growth for your business as long as you act upon the criticism and make the necessary changes to move your business forward.

4: Surrounded With Success

You are whom you associate yourself with.  If you find yourself around people that laugh at you when you tell them your dreams or they roll their eyes when you tell them what you’re going to do – don’t be around those people.

You want to be around people who share the same vision as you and understand what your goals are.  This is crucial because as your business grows you will find yourself seeking advice and looking for people to guide you along the way.

5: Learn From Failures

This was the biggest difference maker for me.  Millionaires learn from their failures and improve.

Most people quit or create excuses when they fail.  Ask any millionaire and they will tell you they failed WAY more times than succeeded.

So when you face failure, take it as a learning experience that can never be bought or replaced.  As long as you learn from your mistakes and improve your business, you will be well on your way to mirroring millionaires.

6: Do Not Embrace The 9-5 Grind

If you want to be a millionaire, get rid of the 9-5 mentality. Millionaires do not work with an internal clock.

For example, I’ll be talking to someone and they think I’m crazy because it’s midnight and I’m still working.  I realize that in order to be a millionaire, sacrifices have to be made.  I might have to work late through the night or wake up before the sun comes out.

In other words, you have to be willing to do what everyone else isn’t willing to do.  Work smarter, not harder and accept that the extra effort comes with the job.

7: Provide Value To The Marketplace

There is a direct correlation to money and value.  Millionaires not only provide solutions to problems, but also value to the marketplace.

If you want or expect to make 7 figures, you must have 7 figures worth of value to offer.  If you don’t have 7 figures worth of value to offer, that’s okay! Invest in yourself – purchase products, attend events, purchase trainings, seek out a mentor, etc.  Do whatever you can to position yourself to boost your income and increase your personal value level.

So if you eliminate limiting beliefs, solve problems, embrace criticism, surround yourself with success, learn from failures,  get rid of the 9-5 mentality and provide value to the marketplace, you are well on your way to mirroring successful millionaires.

If you got value from 7 Ways To Mirror Millionaires please comment below!

6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up

6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 299 On iTunes – CLICK HERE

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6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up

Millionaires have a certain mindset and unique characteristics that make them extremely successful.  I wanted to talk to you about this topic because often times we talk about habits and what you need to do in order to be a 6 or 7 figure earner.

I quickly realized that most millionaires start their day before most people wake up.  It’s the rituals before they get to the work place that put them on a path to success. Below I share with you 6 morning rituals millionaires embrace before most people wake up.


Boost Customers Without Spending More On Advertising

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Below are 6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up:

1: The Day Starts Before The Day Begins

Most 7-figure earners have their next day scheduled before the next day even begins.  It starts the night before!

Do your best to write out your schedule so you can stay organized and on top of your to-do list.  Giving yourself a plan with execution has proven to increase success and help focus on the end goal.

It’s always better to be ahead!

2: Drink Lots Of Water

Drink a lot of water.  This might sound a bit crazy, but when you wake up in the morning you should have a glass of water next to you.

Keeping your body hydrated throughout the day has a major effect on your overall energy and work ethic.  People that aren’t hydrated get tired more easily, lose focus, and feel weak.

Hydrating will keep you functioning at peak performance and laser-focused on the task at hand.

3: Give Thanks Or Pray

Before you do anything in the morning, make sure to give thanks or pray!

You want to thank the person above or whomever it is you believe in and give thanks. We are all lucky to be living in such an awesome world so even if it’s a quick thank you for being able to open your eyes this morning, do it!

Saying a prayer and giving thanks should happen whether you are currently successful or not because we have the ability to accomplish our goals.

4: Clear Your Mind – Meditate

Meditating is different than praying.

Meditate every morning and try to clear your mind and not think of anything.  Go to a quiet place and take deep breathes.  You want to relax to a point where nothing is coming in and nothing is coming out. 

I found that meditation can really help deal with anxiety and stress. It also helps with focusing and moving forward with your day.

5: Workout

Proper exercise each and every day is extremely important when it comes to success.

Proper exercise will keep you healthy, provide you with energy for the day, and most importantly give you that extra boost of self-confidence.  There have been tons of studies that show how you take care of yourself and how you feel about yourself is directly correlated to how much money you make.

Most people that stay in fit and stay in shape have good things happen to them, so do your best to workout and live a healthy lifestyle.

6: Read 

Last but not least, read!

Make sure you are reading books whether it’s a business magazine, business book, personal development books, self-help books, etc. Read before you check an email or do any type of work activity. 

Reading quality information from the start of your day will wake up your brain and put you in the right mindset for success.

If you start your day before it begins, drink a lot of water, pray, meditate, workout, and read, you will be well on your way to implementing morning rituals of self-made millionaires.

If you got value from 6 Morning Rituals Millionaires Embrace Before Most People Wake Up please comment below

5 Reasons Spamming Wastes More Of Your Time Than Making You Money

5 Reasons Spamming Wastes More Of Your Time Than Making You Money
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 298 On iTunes – CLICK HERE

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5 Reasons Spamming Wastes More Of Your Time Than Making You Money

If you’re an Internet marketer, there is no doubt that you have been exposed to spamming!

If you follow or are learning from someone who knows what they are talking about, they are going to advise you against spamming. Yet, it seems like you can’t go anywhere on the Internet without finding spam! Your inbox is getting spammed, groups are getting spammed, links are being spammed… it never ends! How does this happen?

From the outside in, it makes sense. Send your link and information out to millions of people in hopes that you may get lucky and someone takes action. But ask yourself, is that seriously the way you want to build your business? How duplicateable is that?

I am going to share with you 5 reasons spamming is truly a waste of time and why you should market your business differently for the long-term.


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Below are 5 Reasons Spamming Wastes More Of Your Time Than Making You Money:

1: Perception

Once you spam, you are automatically perceived as an amateur to other marketers out there.

When it comes down to it, spamming is more of a time consumption activity opposed to an activity that requires skill.  The perception of your marketing tactics can give your brand, rep and business a bad name!

Avoid spamming techniques and you’ll never have to worry about skilled marketers thinking you’re an amateur!

2: Repel You From Leaders

If you ever want to speak on stages and connect with leaders in the industry, avoid spamming at all costs. The last thing you want in this industry is to have leaders view you as a spammer.

Leaders want to work with people that are passionate and bring a skill set to the table.  I started off as just another person in the crowd.  I knew that if I focused on a skill set and provided value through my marketing I would eventually catch the attention of leaders.

Avoid spamming and you will have a much better shot at making a lasting impression!

3: Borderline Illegal

Spamming is borderline illegal.  If you were to spam someone’s email inbox with your link, you would be breaking the law! That type of action is illegal and is considered ‘black hat’.

Major advertising platforms like Google, Facebook, YouTube, and many others have taken many steps to block spammers and stop this borderline illegal method of marketing.  Once you start spamming you risk your ability to market on major platforms, which can really hurt your business in the long run.

Avoid spamming and you won’t have to worry about getting banned or breaking the law!

4: Short-Sighted

Let’s say you have been spamming and you’re getting results.  You’re sending your link all over the Internet and people are actually buying your product or joining your business.

Do you plan on spamming the next week? A year from now? Is that what you plan on teaching someone who joins your business to do? Spamming is a short-sighted method because it’s not going to last very long.

You want to build a business that’s not only successful, but also duplicateable! Spamming and black hat methods might make you money today, but in terms of longevity and growth, it’s definitely hurting your business.

5: Not Personal

When you’re spamming you are essentially trying to connect with as many people as possible.  The best marketers in the world know that in order to have success, your message needs to be speaking directly to the individual on a personal level. 

In other words, you don’t want to be everything to everyone.  You want to be something to someone! If you can do that, you will generate results and be an amazing marketer.

So next time you are sitting at your computer contemplating whether or not to press that button and send your link out to millions of people, think of this article and these 5 reasons why spamming wastes more of your time than making you money!

If you got value from 5 Reasons Spamming Wastes More Of Your Time Than Making You Money please comment below!

2 Methods To Boosting Your Customers Without Spending More On Advertising

2 Methods To Boosting Your Customers Without Spending More On Advertising

For Information About My Mastermind Community + 3 Free Lead Generation Webinars, Click HERE


2 Methods To Boosting Your Customers Without Spending More On Advertising Summary:

One of the most common question that I get as a lead generation specialist and marketing  coach is how can I afford to advertise if I have can’t afford to lose money.   Although this is not an easy question to answer there are some basic steps any marketer can take to make their marketing more cost effective.  In this video I break down 2 strategies that will allow you to be more effective with you marketing while allowing you to scale up your marketing costs at the same time.  If you are a home business owner and you want more leads it’s important to figure out what you marketing budget is.  If you don’t have money to advertise you must figure out a way to generate enough money to advertise, even if its $5 to $10 a day.  Successful businesses advertise and so should you.

1: Retargeting

Learn how to place retargeting pixels on all of your content, this will allow you to maximize every dollar.  Before retargeting if a person clicked on your website and left without becoming a lead or buying your product the cost of generating that click was lost for good.  But now do to retargeting you have the ability to follow that person around the web at a lower cost.  This will allow you to build a solid relationship with them and generate more sales from people who you otherwise would have lost.

2. Leveraged Thank You Page

If you are building a list as a marketer it’s important to leverage your thank you page.  This is the page people reach after they enter their name and email into a form on your website.  A good thank you page should instruct the user that the information they requested is on its way to their inbox.  The next step is the part most marketers miss.  After you congratulate your new lead on what to do next, you can make a congruent offer to them at a low price on the thank you page.  This will allow you to recoup some of your advertising cost back.  There is one other way you can leverage thank you pages that I reveal in the video above.


Get Targeted Leads With Twitter PPC

Get Unlimited Leads And Sales With Facebook PPC

Get Massive Traffic With These Untapped Resources

Want to learn how the top network marketers in the world are building their business?

As a bonus be sure to listen to live interview of several 7 figure earners in the industry on Network Marketing Nation!

If you got value from 2 Methods To Boosting Your Customers Without Spending More On Advertising please comment below!

5 Signs Of Strength That Non-Entrepreneurs See As Weakness

5 Signs Of Strength That Non-Entrepreneurs See As Weakness
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 297 On iTunes – CLICK HERE 

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5 Signs Of Strength That Non-Entrepreneurs See As Weakness

Would you rather win ugly or lose pretty?  This is something I love to ask people all the time.  The reason I bring this up is because people are more excited about what others say or think about them instead of actually making money.

This might make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, but falling for these fallacies are actually hurting your business far more than helping it!

I want to share 5 signs I’ve picked up throughout the years that a lot of people see as weaknesses, but true entrepreneurs (the one’s making 6, 7, 8 Figures) see as strengths.


3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your #1 Lead Generation Method

#1 Traffic Method Used And Recommended By 14 Top Earners

The Power Of Lead Magnets

Below Are 5 Signs Of Strength That Non-Entrepreneurs See As Weakness:

1: Investing In Yourself

Have you ever bought a product or service and someone in your family or someone close to you calls you crazy? Maybe you’ve been told it’s a waste of time and/or money?

This happens all the time.  It makes you feel embarrassed and you find yourself keeping the product to yourself, scared to share it or tell anyone you bought it!

You shouldn’t be embarrassed that you’re investing in yourself. One of the first events I ever attended I remember going up on stage and sharing with the audience that everyone back home thought I was crazy for spending money and coming to this event, but we think everyone is crazy who didn’t come!

Invest in yourself. When people doubt or question you, realize they aren’t fit for the vision you have for your business or lifestyle!

2: Attending Events

Events are where the magic happens! The problem with events is they aren’t cheap!

You have to book a room, travel, spend money on food, etc. Hotels are a big investment and the average person isn’t going to see past that. 

Embrace the fact that you are going to these events and going to surround yourself with people who are looking to take their business to the next level just like you.

3: Give Credit To Others

This is the biggest/most important sign.  People are afraid to give other people credit.

Let me give you an example.  You will see people learn certain things from other marketers or leaders and they will claim this new information as their own.  They are afraid to share they actually learned that information from someone else.

I personally love to share information and credit others.  When I get a mentor or learn something from someone, I share it! I think it’s a huge sign of strength when you can acknowledge you learned something from someone else, made it your own, and now are getting a result!

4: Having A Mentor

Some people see having a mentor as a sign of weakness.  Let’s say you have a mentor who helped you learn a traffic strategy and now you are teaching it to someone else.  People are scared to say they learned it from a mentor because they think that person will just go learn from your mentor instead of you.

In reality, if you’re the person teaching something of value, most people are going to respect you because of that and stick with you.  The opposite effect will happen if people find out you are teaching things and NOT crediting where you learned it.

5: Failure

Some people view failure as a sign of weakness.  This couldn’t be more wrong! Failure is life’s biggest learning lesson.

The most successful CEOs and Entrepreneurs have far more failures in their life than successes.  Working through failure creates experience, and experience is something that cannot be taught!

So when someone brings up a past failure in your life, don’t get down about it.  Look at it as a learning experience that will only move you closer to success.

If you continue to invest in yourself, attend events, give credit to others, have a mentor, and take failure as a positive, you will be on your way to success and the non-entrepreneur haters will be left far behind…

If you got value from 5 Signs Of Strength That Non-Entrepreneurs See As Weakness please comment below.

4 Live Events Every Home Business Owner Should Attend

4 Live Events Every Home Business Owner Should Attend
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 296 On iTunes – CLICK HERE 

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4 Live Events Every Home Business Owner Should Attend

Events are where the magic happens. If you’ve never attended a company event or networking event, I’m sure you’ve had people tell you that you’re missing out.

When I first got started as an entrepreneur, I attended as many events as I could. I always felt there was a certain value to meeting and connecting in person with likeminded people.

It was through live events I got connected with my first mentor who set me on a guided path to success. Saying that, I am going to share with you not only 4 live events, but actually 8 live events I believe every Home Business Owner should attend!


3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your #1 Lead Generation Method

2 Underground Marketing Strategies  

The Fastest Way To Get Targeted Visitors To Your Site

Below are 4 Live Events Every Home Business Owner Should Attend:

1: Internet Traffic Live

This event is 100% dedicated to lead generation and traffic. I, Vince Reed, host Internet Traffic Live. It typically takes place around April and happens once a year.

If you’re looking to dive deep into traffic and lead generation methods, this event is for you. I expose my entire business and teach attendees over 3 days how to leverage the newest and most effective traffic strategies.

I also bring in other entrepreneurs who share their strategies and lead generation methods.

Internet Traffic Live is an awesome way to up your traffic game and connect on a personal level with top Home Business Leaders.

Want more details about Internet Traffic Live! click here!

2: Traffic & Conversion Summit

Ryan Deiss and his company, Digital Marketer, host Traffic & Conversion Summit.

It takes place once a year in the sunny city of San Diego in California. Traffic & Conversion Summit is one of my favorite events to attend every year. You’ll walk out of this event with a much deeper understanding of conversions and some awesome strategies you can immediately implement in your business.

Want more details about Traffic & Conversion Summit click here!

3: No Excuses Summit

Tim Erway and Ferny Ceballos host the No Excuses Summit. It’s once a year and an awesome event.

No Excuses is always jam-packed with tons of Home Business Leaders who share the stage and drop a wealth of knowledge.

No Excuses was actually the first event I ever attended and got me hooked into the industry. This is definitely an event you want to attend if you are serious about building a long-term Home Business.

Want more details about No Excuses Summit click here!

4: Funnel Hacking

Russell Brunson hosts Funnel Hacking once a year. The title tells all! If you are a person looking to build funnels, create niche products, and dive deep into email automation, this event is for you.

Russell Brunson is a well-known Entrepreneur in the industry known for many things, but funnel creating profitable sales funnels is one of his best talents.  I actually did a post where I shared some of my notes from his funnel hacking event. Click HERE and check it out.

Want more details about Funnel Hacking click here!

Want some bonus event to attend to help you take your home business to the next level?

Below are bonus events that I want to share with you. The only reason some of these aren’t in my top 4 is because I’m not entirely sure if these are annual occurring events or if they will be back next year.

5: Top Earner Academy

Ray Higdon hosts Top Earner Academy. This event actually takes place THIS WEEK! I’m speaking at it and unfortunately this will be the last year Ray will be hosting Top Earner Academy.

This event would honestly be #1 on my list if it weren’t 3 days away. I have been blessed to speak at this event 3 times and it is amazing . Top Earner Academy is a deep dive into tons of content and a great networking opportunity.  For more details about top earners accademy click here.  Let’s all pray Ray brings it back someday!

6: Experts Academy

Brendon Burchard hosts Experts Academy. This event dives deep into Internet topics, but also touches on a lot of personal development.

A lot of ‘gurus’ attend this event. Brendon Burchard is well connected and last time I was there I was sitting next to Frank Kern!

Want more details about experts academy click here!

7: Traffic Mastery 180

Michelle Pescosolido, Bill Pescosolido, Kate McShea, and Andrew McShea host Traffic Mastery 180. This is the first year of this event and I’m really excited about it.

Just like Funnel Hacking, the name of this event tells all! Traffic Mastery 180 will focus on traffic strategies and lead generation training.

I am blessed to be speaking there and if it has to do with traffic, I’m even more excited.  Want more details about Traffic Mastery 180 click here!

8: Live The Dream

Brian Fanale and his company MLSP host Live The Dream. I wasn’t able to attend this year, but I have in the past and it’s always amazing.

This is a great event to attend if you want to connect and network with Home Business Professionals and learn lead generation strategies from some of the industries best!

Want more details about Live The Dream click here!

9: Your Company Event

Don’t forget about your own company! You should be 100% committed to attending your company event at least once a year. There is no better place to connect with people who will understand your business and help you reach your goals.

Often times as Home Business professionals we forget that there are other people out there building their business just like us… even if we don’t see them in the office every day!

If you got value from 4 Live Events Every Home Business Owner Should Attend please comment below!