3 Reasons You Should Not Be Afraid Of Failure

3 Reasons You Should Not Be Afraid Of Failure
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3 Reasons You Should Not Be Afraid Of Failure

Failure is something we face in every facet of life on a consistent basis. Failure most often leads to quitting, especially in business. Oddly enough, if you ask any successful person about their journey, most likely they will talk about multiple failures that got them to where they are today.

My goal is to help you recognize that failure is an asset and something you should not be afraid of. So here are 3 reasons I believe you should not be afraid of failure.


3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your #1 Lead Gen Method 

Opportunity Vs. System – How To Make Them Both Work 

Outspend Competition Without Risking/Spending All Your Money

Below are 3 Reasons You Should Not Be Afraid Of Failure:

1: Failure Leads To Success

No one path to success is the same, but all paths to success come with failure.

I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that 100% of people who are successful have actually failed more than they’ve had success.

Michael Jordan said it best with this quote: “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life… and that is why I succeed.”

The difference between the successful and the not-yet-successful is the realization that failure is simply a stepping stone, not a permanent event.

2: Failure Creates Experience

Think about the last time you failed at something. What happened after you failed? Did anything change?

The most successful entrepreneurs understand that failure is part of the process but more importantly it creates an experience. Once that experience is created, you now have something you can relate back to and reflect on.

Experience is something that cannot be taught or replaced. The more experience you have the closer to success you will be.

Your experience will influence how you handle every situation and decision from now on. Experience is part of your personal story.

3: Ability To Problem Solve

You should not be afraid of failure because without failure, you wouldn’t be able to solve problems!

Problem solving is considered one of the greatest enablers for opportunity and growth. When facing failure, it makes you figure out a way to work through your current situation.

This leads to experience, which in turn can provide future strategy to those facing the same problem you worked through in the past!

This is why they say failure serves as the greatest lesson in business and life. So embrace failure and recognize that failure will lead to success. Failure also creates experience and gives you the ability to problem solve. Now you won’t fear failure again!

If you got value from 3 Reasons You Should Not Be Afraid Of Failure please comment below!




3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your # 1 Lead Generation Method

3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your # 1 Lead Generation Method

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3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your # 1 Lead Generation Method Summary:

Twitter has made major improvements to it’s advertising platform.  In my opinion there is not a better website when it comes to targeting than twitter.  On Twitter the conversations going on actually serve as the keywords in which you as the advertiser can target your audience.  So if a person tweets something about your business or specific niche, you have the ability to instantly put your content in front of them.

There are 3 main reasons I believe Twitter should be a resource you should for your home business.

1: Twitter Targeting

You have the ability to target your ideal customer in so many ways!  You can target keywords that people are actually searching for or tweeting.  You can target other people’s followers.  So if a person in your niche has a lot of people following them you can run ads directed at those individuals.  You can target TV shows or broad categories that are close to your niche market.  Lastly you can target any of your followers or people who have visited specific websites that you own. 

2: Twitter Reach

There are millions of tweets happening every second and if you play your cards correctly you can position your business in front of the people who need your products the most.  The reach that twitter provides is amazing allowing you to get unlimited visitors to your websites very fast!  

3: Twitter Branding

If you are a celebrity with any type of brand chances are you are on Twitter.  This is why you should be there as well. Twitter allows you to brand yourself as a leader and authority figure in your niche.   Because of Twitter cards, videos and images your ability to stand out in the crowd and brand yourself is huge.


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Want to learn how the top network marketers in the world are building their business?

As a bonus be sure to listen to live interview of several 7 figure earners in the industry on Network Marketing Nation!

If you got value from 3 Reasons Twitter Should Be Your #1 Lead Generation Method please comment below

4 Tips To Boosting Your Confidence Level

4 Tips To Boosting Your Confidence Level
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4 Tips To Boosting Your Confidence Level

A constant battle in life, especially if you’re a Home Business Professional or Entrepreneur, is confidence.

Have you ever done something in business you 100% thought was going to work and it turned out to be a complete failure? Have you ever done something for a while in hopes to make money and it didn’t work… but other people are making money doing that same thing?

Both of these examples are more common than you think and cause you to lose confidence. Lack of confidence is not good for business or personal well-being!

I am going to share 4 tips that will help boost your confidence level when you find yourself facing these types of let downs and situations.


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How To Give Away Free Value And Get Money In Return

Below are 4 Tips To Boosting Your Confidence Level:

1: Remember The Alternative

When battling with confidence in your business, don’t forget why you started in the first place. Remind yourself of the excitement, freedom and the guided path to success you envisioned in the beginning.

Try to visualize your life if you didn’t make these moves to be a business professional or entrepreneur. You’re doing this because you want freedom and to be able to do things when you want to do them!

If you think about the alternative of NOT having the freedom, what you are really saying is you want to go back to living someone else’s dream instead of your own.

It’s always better to lose confidence and build it back up than the quit and be a quitter!

2: Invest In Yourself

When you lose confidence and something in your business doesn’t go as planned, invest in yourself!

I like to purchase coaching, attend events, or do something that’s going to improve my personal value level and skills. Every time I have done this, it’s never steered me wrong because:

  1. I learn something new that will help my business grow and profit
  2. Investing in yourself tends to naturally increase your confidence, especially if you take action and don’t let what you invested in just sit on your shelf.

If you want an example, click HERE. I’ll share with you key takeaways from a recent event I attended.

3: Celebrate Your Growth

Sometimes people fail to realize how far they have actual come as Home Business Professionals or Entrepreneurs.

How does this happen? People start looking at their business from a perspective. Let me give you an example.

People will approach me and express how no one is seeing their business and no one is aware of their product and services. I will begin to teach them lead generation strategies and all of a sudden things change!

They start to generate leads on a consistent basis, which gets eyeballs on their offers/products/services or presentations. Then, these same people get frustrated and upset because the leads aren’t buying their products. All of a sudden, ‘this doesn’t work’.

I simply say: when you came to me no one was seeing your products or services and now people are seeing it. In terms of people buying your product/services, that’s a different skill set you have to learn.

So don’t lose confidence in what you are trying to do. Chances are you know a lot more now than when you started! Take it step by step and realize that everything is a process.

4: Visualize Your Future

Start to visualize the person you want to become. Once you have the vision, start doing things now to become that person.

If you want to be a speaker, what is it going to take to allow you to be that speaker and see yourself on that stage speaking and sharing value with others?

If you want to be a Top Earner making 6 to 7 figures a year, what is it going to take to do that?

Visualize yourself in that position, how you’re going to get there, and how you are going to provide value along the way. This will definitely help you boost your confidence!

If you remember the alternative, invest in yourself, celebrate your growth, and visualize your future you will absolutely gain confidence during those times you feel down and out!

If you got value from 4 Tips To Boosting Your Confidence Level please comment below!

4 Dream Killers Home Business Owners Should Avoid

4 Dream Killers Home Business Owners Should Avoid
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4 Dream Killers Home Business Owners Should Avoid

All Home Business Owners should avoid Dream Killers. Home Business Owners that end up quitting or fail often fall victim to Dream Killers. You might be asking yourself, what’s are Dream Killers?

Dream Killers are toxic individuals who you want to avoid at all costs if you’re trying to achieve Home Business success. Below I will share with you 4 types of Dream Killers and after reading this article, you will know exactly how to identify Dream Killers and continue on your path to Home Business Success.


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Below are 4 Dream Killers Home Business Owners Should Avoid:

1: People Who Call You Crazy

When you first start as a Home Business Owner you are going to run into people who will call you crazy. These are Dream Killers you want to avoid, especially if the person calling you crazy is not living the lifestyle you want or has the things you want in your life!

Unfortunately, this type of Dream Killer is someone who you are going to have to face most of your Home Business career. People are always going to hate/doubt, but as long as you have a vision and a goal you will be fine.

Remember, the people calling you crazy are the working the 9-5 grind, they aren’t living in the home you want to live in, they aren’t driving the type of car you want to drive, they don’t have the family and financial freedom you envision yourself having.

Because of this, you should NOT be listening to this type of Dream Killer.

2: Remind You Of Past Failures

Nothing is worse than a ‘negative Nancy’!

This type of Dream Killer is an individual who constantly reminds you of your past failures. In reality, your failures are your life’s biggest learning lessons!

I find it funny when people tell me ‘Oh, he’s failed before.” I actually want someone who’s failed before because hopefully that person learned from his or her failure, which provides more experience.

The more experience you have, the closer you are to success and becoming a master at your craft. Don’t let Dream Killer’s shoot your confidence down with past failures. Focus on the future and trust that it will pay off!

SIMILAR ARTICLE: 3 Overlooked Concepts That Prevent Home Business Owners From Earning A Full-Time Income

3: Try To Keep You Dependent

This type of Dream Killer tries to keep you 100% dependant on them. This is a very dangerous type of Dream Killer.

These are the people that say ‘Don’t buy anything, you don’t to get caught up with ‘shiny object syndrome’” or “Only look at what we have to do because everything else will confuse you”.

In reality, these are the people that have more than likely bought everything in the past to get them where they are today. This is part of the growth!

You don’t want to put yourself in a position where your success is dependent on someone else. Connect with people who teach you how to fish so you can be 100% dependant on yourself.

4: Your Old Self

The last and most common Dream Killer is your old self!

The last thing you want to do is battle your own subconscious mind. Don’t allow the things you’re telling yourself prevent you from where you want or getting what you want.

A lot of times people will get started with a Home Business and immediately revert back to old habits and patterns from the past. If you want to move forward and live the life of your dreams, be consistent and get rid of your old self that’s preventing you from moving to your new self!

If you avoid people who call you crazy, avoid people who remind you of past failures, avoid people who try to keep you dependant, and avoid the trap of your former self, you will be in position to make your Home Business a massive success!

If you got value from 4 Dream Killers Home Business Owners Should Avoid please comment below!

6 Top Earners Every Home Business Owner Should Subscribe To

6 Top Earners Every Home Business Owner Should Subscribe To
Want To Make My Day? Rate & Review Episode 292 On iTunesCLICK HERE 

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6 Top Earners Every Home Business Owner Should Subscribe To

For those of you who have followed me for a while or if you’re new listener/reader, one of the things I often share is “The amount of money you make represents the amount of value you offer the world.”

In other words, if you want to make more money you have to put more value in the marketplace. In order to provide value, you have to position yourself to acquire more knowledge, value and information.

That is why I am going to share 6 Top Earners who every Home Business Owner should subscribe to. In no particular order, following these 6 Top Earners will position you to create value that in turn, will make you more money!


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Below are 6 Top Earners Every Home Business Owner Should Subscribe To:

1: Brendon Burchard

When it comes to personal development, there is no better person to follow or list to be on than Brendon Burchard.

Brendon is an amazing entrepreneur and I actually had the chance to attend one of his events a few years ago. Brendon is a global Top 100 Most Followed Public Figure on Facebook and a #1 New York Times bestselling author.

Brendon’s social media posts reach over 10,000,000 people per week worldwide. The amount of value provided by Brendon and the people he’s inspired around the globe is not only impressive, but also a Top Earner every Home Business Owner should subscribe to! Subscribe here: www.brendonburchard.com

2: Gary Vaynerchuk

When I think of business, entrepreneurship, social media, and standing out in a crowd, Gary Vaynerchuk is the first person that comes to mind.

Gary is the type of person you are either going to love… or you’re going to hate! He’s a straight shooter and will tell you exactly what he’s thinking.

Gary started as an entrepreneur right out of college by growing his family wine business from $3 million to $60 million in just 5 years. Since then, Gary has become an angel investor, venture capitalist, and host of the #AskGaryVee Show.

Subscribe to Gary Vaynerchuk by clicking here. www.garyvaynerchuk.com

3: Ray Higdon

If you’re a person that wants to get better at blogging, Network Marketing, and get value on a consistent basis, Ray Higdon is the guy to follow!

Ray has been a Network Marketing and Entrepreneurial beast since 2008. His business is dedicated to helping Network Marketers recruit more reps, get more leads, and become Top Earners in their company.

Subscribe to Ray Higdon by clicking here and you will start to receive his awesome daily content. www.RayHigdon.com

4: Ryan Deiss

If you want to increase your Internet marketing skills and learn from one of the best to do it, Ryan Deiss is the person to subscribe to!

Ryan Deiss owns the company Digital Marketer and over the last 36 months his team has invested over $15 million on marketing tests, split testing, email marketing, and many other Internet Marketing skills that will help grow your business.

Subscribe to Ryan Deiss at www.digitalmarketer.com

5: John Loomer

If you are a person that loves the technical side of marketing, specifically Facebook, John Loomer is the person to subscribe to.

John Loomer teaches Facebook at a much deeper level. He has over 5 years of experience with Facebook from a business perspective and runs the site JohnLoomer.com, dedicated to helping Facebook marketers hit their goals.

Click here to subscribe to John Loomer and you will be well on your way to FB success!. www.jonloomer.com

6: Eric Worre

When it comes to Network Marketing, there is no better list to be on or person to follow than Eric Worre.

Eric has been a leader in Network Marketing for over 25 years and has proven consistency is key – he has created and released a video full of value EVERY DAY!

His online community serves over 137 countries around the world with 300,000+ leaders. Eric Worre will help you increase your personal value level, which will eventually help you make more money!

You can subscribe to Eric’s list by visiting www.networkmarketingpro.com

Lastly, considering you are on my website now www.VinceReed.com,  if you like consistent content like this and want the most up to date traffic strategies that you can leverage for your business right now be sure to subscribe to my mailing list!

Subscribing to Brendon Burchard, Gary Vaynerchuck, Ray Higdon, Ryan Deiss, John Loomer, and Eric Worre will help you grow your business, provide more value to the world, and help you earn more money!

If you got value from 6 Top Earners Every Home Business Owner Should Subscribe To please comment below!

5 Twitter Lead Generation Secrets

5 Twitter Lead Generation Secrets -Episode 291
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5 Twitter Lead Generation Secrets

For Home Business owners, Twitter is an amazing lead generation tool. Twitter is a social media site where users interact and sends tweets. From a marketing perspective, Twitter is powerful because you can target users and jump into their conversations based on different keywords that you choose. Outside of the traditional search traffic resources like Google or Yahoo/Bing, Twitter is a powerful platform when it comes to targeting your audience.

Surprisingly, Twitter is extremely under utilized by marketers even though Twitter is a top 10 traffic website in the world. Twitter provides a lot of resources you can use to generate targeted leads and if mastered, you will have a major advantage over your competition.


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Below are 5 Twitter Lead Generation Secrets:

1: Twitter Lead Generation Card

A Twitter Lead Generation Card is an image that stands out in the Twitter Newsfeed and has a button attached to it. When a person clicks the button, Twitter automatically sends that persons info to your list and you get the lead.

In other words, people that engage with your Twitter card and click the button will never have to opt in on an actual page.

The email sent to your autoresponder is the email address that person uses to sign into Twitter. Because of this, your emails will have a much higher open rate because you know they are accurate!

2: Twitter Website Card

If you’re looking to get more targeted traffic to your website, Twitter Website Cards are your best bet. Much like the Twitter lead generation cards, a website cards is an image that stands out in the Twitter Newsfeed and when clicked, takes people to a website of your choice.

For best results, make sure the website you are driving traffic to is mobile friendly. It’s been proven that images and cards have a much higher engagement rate, so take full advantage of this option!

3: Handle Targeting

When first creating a Twitter account, you have to choose a handle (or username) for your account. Every person has to create a unique handle in order to use Twitter. It’s a way of identifying yourself or your brand.

As I mentioned earlier, Twitter is extremely powerful when it comes to targeting because you can actually target a handles followers!

For example, if you wanted to target all my followers, you could literally set up an ad and choose to target all the followers of Vince Reed.

Now your Lead Generation Cards, Website Cards, and Twitter ads will show to all of my followers on Twitter. This is extremely powerful when it comes to targeting your avatar! Click HERE and I’ll show you more ways to target and introduce you to my 3 part Twitter Mastery course.

4: Keyword Targeting

Keyword targeting on Twitter is different than any other platform. The keywords are the actual conversations happening on Twitter in real time.

For example, lets say you are selling health products. You could create a website card and run an ad targeting anyone in real time tweeting about losing weight. So if Bob tweets to Sally “Hey, I’m going on a diet this summer and need to lose a few pounds”, your ad would show up in their newsfeed like you just jumped into their conversation!

This also works for Twitter search as well. If someone searches ‘lose a few pounds’, your ad will show up!

5: Twitter Retargeting

Just like Facebook or any other website, you can retarget on Twitter. When someone clicks or engages with your content, you are able to continue to market to that person and put your information in front of them!

Retargeting is a powerful tool that can enhance your conversions and keep quality content in front of your target audience.

So these 5 tips – Twitter Lead Generation Cards, Twitter Website Cards, Target Handles, Target Keywords, and Twitter Retargeting – are all powerful ways to generate targeted traffic and leads for your Home Business.

If you got value from 5 Twitter Lead Generation Secrets please comment below.

8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products

8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products
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8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products

Creating info products can do a lot for a business – build a brand, establish authority, and create a cash flow that generates revenue while sleeping. But too often, we find ourselves attempting to create info products and getting lost in the logistics of the process.

Below I am going to share with you 8 steps to creating your own info products. This 8-step formula can be applied to any type of info product and when applied properly, can take your business to the next level.


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Below are 8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products:

1: Invest In Products

The first step to creating your own info products is to see what else is out there! Invest in other people’s info products and start doing research.

Other people’s products will give you insight on how they set up their info product, how their process works, and ultimately give you an edge when creating your info product.

Once you have invested in info products, you will quickly realize what you like and don’t like for your info product. This first step is crucial because it can give you a concrete foundation for your info product creation process.

2: Perfect What You Learn

When choosing a topic or focus point for your info product, you want to perfect what you learn.

For example, if you buy a product and it’s on lead generation, master that skill and become good at it! This gives you the authority to create products about lead generation and share your strategies with others. You can do this with any topic of choice! Click HERE and I’ll show you two strategies I’ve perfected and how I leverage what I learn.

If you want to take it to the next level, share your result or strategy with someone on your team. Have them get a result and this will drastically improve your ability to sell your product!

3: What Problem Do You Want To Solve?

Most of the time people purchase an info product to solve a problem they have. So when creating your info product, you want to solve a problem you have!

If you solve a problem you have with your info product, there is a high chance someone else is going to relate to that problem and want to purchase your product!

Once you figure out what problem you want to solve, this will give you a topic or idea to create your own product.

4: Map Out Each Module

Now that you have your topic for your info product, the next step is to map out each module of your course.

Start with the problems you want to solve, then begin to break them down into their simplest form and create modules.

For example: Module 1… Then Module 1a…. Module 1b… Module 1c… Then Module 2… Module 2a… Module 2b…

Modules give you the ability to dive into extreme detail. The more value provided, the happier your future customers will be!

5: Create Powerpoint Slides

After you map out each module, the next step is to create the actual powerpoint slides you are going to use for your info product.

Powerpoint/Keynote slides are extremely effective and give you the ability to explain and share the value of what you’re teaching inside of your info product.

6: Record Audio Over Powerpoint

Now that your slides are created and modules are set in place, it’s time to record audio over your powerpoint slides!

This is the bulk of the info product creation process. You’re simply going to talk over your slides. If you want to show yourself, feel free! There is technology out there like ScreenFlow (Mac Only) that allow you to do this.

Recording yourself can be strenuous. Make sure you are full of energy and animated when recording your voice. The last thing you want to do is put your future customers to sleep!

7: Outsource The Completion Process

This is the part where people get stuck! Everyone isn’t a “techie” and this step is the most technical part of the process.

Once your info product is created, don’t worry about getting it on a website or creating the checkout process – outsource that!

Leverage websites like elance.com, odesk.com, or fiverr.com to get your product put together and functioning properly. They will take care of the completion process for you so you don’t have to worry about it.

8: Release The Product

Once the completion process is complete, release your new info product! Post on social media, invite members of your team, and send your new product out to your email list if you have one.

If you have none of the above, I recommend leveraging search traffic for your info product. Click HERE and I’ll share a strategy with you.

Now you can give yourself a pat on the back because after you release your info product, you have successfully completed all 8 steps! Rinse and repeat for all future info products.

If you got value from 8 Steps To Creating Your Own Info Products please comment below!